Monday 18 March 2013

Read through the key terms and write a definition for the ones you do not know. Read through the "you should know" points.Write notes on the points you do not know.

Friday 15 March 2013

River Flood Management

Use the slides below to ensure you know about different types of hard and soft engineering methods for protection and prevention against river floods.

Thursday 28 February 2013

Lower course features and processes

Great video showing types of lower course features and the processes involved in making them.

Upper course features and processes

Great video showing types of upper course features and the processes involved in making them.

Formation of Waterfalls and geology

Follow the link below to revise how waterfalls are formed.

Friday 15 February 2013

River flooding and management issues

Use video from BBC Bitesize on causes and effects of river floods as well as management strategies (hard and soft engineering). Can you think of any more causes, effects or management strategies than what's mentioned? And are you able to think of case studies where these can be applied?

Wednesday 6 February 2013

If and when you find the time...

Stephen Fry in America: Episode Three - The Mississippi

Have a look at this Gents. Great example of a drainage basin and river where physical and human geography  are very much interrelated.